I'm not usually one to buy in bulk when it comes to beauty due to my ever wandering tastes and owning far too many products as it is. It's quite a rarity therefore for things to actually get used up and repurchased in my stash, but there are a select few that I find myself reaching for on a daily basis and invariably running out of all too quickly.

Pepta-Bright and Hydraluron from Indeed Labs are the glue that keeps my Skincare routine together, the first acting as a daily fix for dull skin that's also been working wonders on redness and scarring, and the second being sandwiched on between serum and moisturiser to keep the hydration levels up and oily patches at bay. Coming in at £29.99 and £24.99 a pop however, it's definitely a purse-emptying habit.

This is where my good friend the 3 for 2 comes in. I like to keep an eagle eye on the offers in Boots - ever the savvy saver! - and yesterday on my weekly peruse of the isles, I saw those happy signs plastered all over the skincare stands and these two products were swiftly deposited into the shopping basket with an extra one coming in absolutely free. I can go to sleep happy tonight knowing that these will be sitting, ready and waiting in my stockroom of a beauty cupboard until another one reaches it's end. Hurrah for stocking up!

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