01. Mother's Day flowers / 02. Outfit of the night: Asos top, New Look jacket, faux Celine bag / 03. Unfortunately the overly large deserts weren't both for me / 04. Onion ring tower on my aubergine stack! / 05. Essie's Absolutely Shore jazzed up with a few stick on stars / 06. My little Parsley plant that, as predicted, died before I got a chance to use it. RIP. / 07. Cookies! / 08. So much love for Imogen Poots being on the cover of the Asos magazine / 09. An afternoon snack of home made nutella on digestives! / 10. Strawberries and granola for breakfast / 11. A snippet from my last outfit post / 12. Mumsie onesie! / 13. Rocking one hell of a flowery dress back in the day.

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